Handy dictionary software with a powerful database support that maintains the quality of the full vocabulary.
It will help you find the meaning of words in multiple languages, depending on the database terminology.
It's both user-friendly and powerful.
Main Features:
- No need of third party programs or drivers installed on system
- Developed with C++ to make program faster
- Multi languages support
- Searching vocabulary from many databases at once
- Searching vocabulary for meaning
- Searching vocabulary for paragraph
- Show vocabulary and meaning together, help to find the right word quickly
- Paragraph Reader (show meaning and pronounce)
- Can save paragraph reader with meaning and pronounce
- Capture selected text in any program by click middle mouse button on selected text
- Meaning Modifier
- Support adding more dictionary database by editing .ini file only
System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7
- 700 KB to 270 MB free disk space for installation (depend on selected database)